Easter Sugar Cookie Squares - Keto Diet Delicious
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Easter Sugar Cookie Squares

Who says the Easter Bunny doesn't want cookies just as Santa gets each year too? Leaving cookies the eve before the holiday isn't just for Santa, let's not go ripping off the Easter bunny now =).  
Have I told you yet how much I love these sugar cookie squares? I make them on average about 2-3 times every month and I take them to nearly every family get together. It's funny, they are always the first thing to go at the get togethers, even beating out my white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. They are so loved by kids and adults alike. Its hard for me not to eat 3 at a time =). When I make them for my small family I always have to give some to the neighbors because these are dangerously delicious! They are so fun for holidays because you can switch up the frosting and sprinkle colors. I decided to up the frosting amount just a bit, to ensure there's enough for piping the diagonal lines on top so don't use the amounts for frosting listed in the original recipe, use the one listed below.  Have a great Easter everyone!

Easter Sugar Cookie Squares
Yields 24 squares

1 recipe Sugar Cookie Squares, found here
1 recipe Vanilla Frosting, recipe follows (this is 1 1/2 original recipe)
Red, yellow and green food coloring
White sprinkles


Prepare Sugar Cookie Squares according to directions listed and allow to cool completely.  Prepare vanilla frosting according to directions listed, then scoop out 1/3 of the vanilla frosting into a separate mixing bowl (about a heaping 1/2 cup).  Tint remaining 2/3 of the frosting with red and yellow food coloring (a 1:2 ratio, for every drop of red add 2 drops yellow), add food coloring and stir with a fork or electric mixer until desired orange color is reached.  Tint remaining 1/3 frosting with green food coloring until desired green color is reached.  
Spread orange frosting evenly over entire sheet of "cookie" then cut into squares (cookies).  Scoop green frosting into a Ziploc bag and seal bag. Then using scissors cut a tiny end off one of the edges of the Ziploc bag (start tiny when cutting because this will determine the size when piping, you can cut more after testing the size of the pipe, if desired.)  Then pipe diagonal lines in one direction over each cookie (see photos below), then repeat this processes making diagonal lines heading the opposite direction.  Outline the edge of each cookie with green frosting.  Sprinkle each cookie square with white sprinkles.  Store cookies in an airtight container.

Vanilla Frosting

6 Tbsp butter, softened
3 cups powdered sugar
1 pinch salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
4 Tbsp half and half

Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and using an electric mixer, whip until well blended and fluffy (I used to do this in separate steps but I really don't think it's necessary).

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